Hi there! Do you have a BJD/artsy/mori girl/fashion shop you'd like to promote? I'd love to help you out! This blog is open to accepting ads and sponsorships to help get your business more exposure.
I'm Catching Fireflies has consistently attracted many visitors since its start in January 2012, and averages around
5,000-6,000 pageviews per month, and has over
300 blog subscribers on Google Connect and Bloglovin (all these statistics are found on the blog's sidebar, if you'd like to check).
I'm Catching Fireflies also has a
Facebook and
Tumblr account where blog entries are cross-posted for a wider audience reach.
The price of this blog's adspace is a humble
$7.00/month or just
$25/4 months for a 200x200px sized ad. I can make an ad for you as well if you don't have one yet. :)
If these sound good to you, drop me a line at
catchingfirefliesblog@gmail.com. I'm also open to negotiations regarding the adspace rate and possible sponsorships, giveaways, and product reviews! Just send me an email and I'll get right back to you.

Thanks and good day!